E. COLIST EIA BACTERIAL TOXIN DETECTION KIT: Qualitatively detects Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin detection kit by competitive EIA using microplates (formerly under Cat#DK230843). The kit includes 96 tests and consists of:
Antigen-coated plate (16 wells x 6 strips)
Positive control (1 mL x 1 vial)
Negative control (1 mL x 1 vial)
Enzyme-labeled antibody (0.1 mL x 1 vial)
Diluent for conjugate (1.5 mL x 1 vial)
Substrate A (4 mL eq x 4 vials)
Substrate B (30 mL x 1 vial)
Stock wash solution (x10 conc.) (60 mL x 1)
Stopping reagent (12 mL x 1 vial)
Plate holder (1 piece)
*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.